It's Spring Time!

We are all enjoying our learning and it's great to see so many smiles! Spring term is jam packed with new learning so make sure your children are ready to tackle the day by having a good sleep. 

Our topic for the first half term is Toys Through Time. We are focussing on history and learning about Victorian toys and toys from our parents/grandparents past. If you have any old toys then please send them in to show. We also study the artist LS Lowry and make our own cityscapes in his style. The second half of the term moves to 'Mad About Materials' which is a Science focus. During which we name and understand the properties and purposes of different materials eventually designing and making a miniature playground. We listen to the story of 'The 3 Little Pigs' and alternative versions with bad pigs and good wolves! 

Facebook page is full of information and photographs so please make sure you log in and keep checking! 

Reading books, some being from the new scheme, are being sent home for reading every night. Your child will have lots of opportunities to learn to read in school but it is very important you practise reading at home. Please read with your child every evening and sign the reading diary. It makes the world of difference! 

Many thanks for your continued support. Take care and look after each other.

Mrs Hampson, Mr Sheader and the Year 1 Team :)