Year 1
Welcome to Spring Term 2025!
Miss Ellis and Miss Soudet are extremely proud of how all of the children have settled into their new Year 1 classes.
English -
We will be exploring different texts; including fiction, non-fiction and poetry and we will be writing for a range of purposes. We will be consolidating our use of punctuation within sentences- capital letters, full stops and introducing commas. We will also be continuing to use and apply known spelling rules within our independent writing.
Reading – We read in Year 1 EVERY day. This includes through guided reading, phonics activities and also by individual reading. Now that the children are in Year 1, we will also be furthering our reading for understanding and meaning. There will be additional focus on developing our comprehension skills.
Please continue to read with your child at home as often as you can. You can use your child’s reading diary as a method of communication with us about how your child is reading at home. The ‘Reading at home’ sheet is full of ideas of activities and questions that you can ask your child when reading at home. If you would like any help with this please ask a member of our team. Your child will read with an adult twice a week in school and these days will be written into your child's reading diary.
Maths –
Science –
Geography/History -
PE- Please remember to bring your PE kit (black shorts, white t-shirt and black pumps; all named) for each lesson. You can leave your PE kit on your peg if you prefer.
PE is on a Wednesday morning.
- Please remember to send your child to school with a water bottle daily.
- Please can all children bring a coat to school each day as it is starting to get colder.
- Please can your child bring their reading book to school daily even if it is not their day to read with an adult in school.
- Homework and spellings will be given out and returned to school on a Friday. Your child will bring their homework home in their folder and their spellings will be stuck into their orange spellings book.
- Please can children bring their PE kit into school clearly labelled.Your child can leave their PE kit on their peg.
If you have any questions or queries you can contact the school office to arrange an appointment with your class teacher.
Thank you for your continued support.