Year 4
Welcome to the Year 4 class page!
Autumn term 2 - What will we be learning?
English – In English this half term we will be focussing on a range of fantastic books. We will be begin by looking at a wonderful book called 'Lost Happy Endings' by Carol Anne Duffy. Using this great text as stimulus we will create wonderful pieces of writing, such as an atmospheric setting description, poetry, letter of complaint and dialogue. Additionally, children will complete work focussing on Remembrance Day around the lovely book 'Stubby'. Within all pieces of writing, grammar, vocabulary and spelling are paramount, but most importantly of all we want the children to enjoy writing and create superb pieces of work.
Reading – Reading takes place every day in school, in a variety of ways: whole-class guided sessions, individual reading, and during the class text. Vocabulary, retrieval and improving inference are all of high priority, but ensuring your child enjoys reading is the main thing that matters! Please encourage your child to read as often as possible outside of school. Remember, comprehension and an appreciation of what you have read is of equal importance to speed and fluency. It is so important that each and every child has an enjoyment of reading. There is a book for everyone! If you're not sure what your child should be reading next, please come and ask. If you need any recommendations, please ask. is a wonderful website for recommendations but we have a vast selection in school.
Maths – This half term children will continue their work on addition and subtraction up to 10,000 with multiple exchanges and regrouping. As the Year 4 Times table check will be taking place later on in the school year, there will be an increased focus on times tables, children should be able to recite all the times tables within 5 seconds. To achieve this we will be practising them daily but any extra practise at home would be hugely beneficial. Times Tables Rock Stars will help with this, so ask for your child's login details if you are you do not already have them. In addition to this, children will complete a daily 5 a day recap of various areas of maths that will recap and embed previous learning.
Science – Our science topic for this half-term is focussing on Changing States. We will be conducting a range of wonderful and stimulating experiments encouraging the children to think scientifically and develop their scientific knowledge.
History – Our next History topic will begin in Spring One.
Geography – This half-term, we will be learning all about water. The children will understand how the water cycle works, the important vocabulary associated with this and how vital water is to humans.
R.E – Our topic this half term will focus on the 'Christianity' and the importance of Christmas to Christians.
Spanish – Our topic this half-term is 'My Family' where we will be looking at key words and phrases that children would use in everyday life.
PSHE – Our focus this half term is all about ‘Being Me in My World’. We will be focussing on the key adults in the children's lives, important rules we follow and how important we are and how to improve ourselves.
Art & Design – We will be taking inspiration from bodies and will develop our sketching skills.
P.E - This term PE is every MONDAY for 4A and every THURSDAY for 4H.
Don't forget to bring the correct kit, ready for this day. This is a white T-Shirt, black shorts and a pair of black pumps, as well as plain black jogging bottoms and a jumper for the colder months. It would be ideal if this kit was clearly labelled and kept securely in a labelled P.E. bag, so that any misplaced items can be returned quickly.
4H will continue their swimming this half-term. They will need a towel, swimming costume (for girls), swimming trunks (for boys) and a swimming cap. If you have any questions regarding this, please speak to a member of the Year 4 team.
Reading will be the children's main activity that is expected outside of the classroom. If the right book is found, this should not seem like hard work! Weekly spellings and maths practise will also be provided. Of course, any additional research or work is richly encouraged and will only benefit your child's progress throughout the year.
If you have any questions or queries, please arrange a phone appointment via the school office. We thank you for your continued support as we head into this next half term.
Mr Holden, Mr. Allaway and the Year 4 Team :)