Year 6
Welcome to the Year 6 Class Page!
English - To begin our new half-term, we will begin with the eerie tale of 'Alma', before linking our writing to our new history unit, 'WWII'. Our focus will be creating cohesive pieces of writing, carefully selecting vocabulary to enhance the action, and aiming to entertain! Within all pieces of writing, grammar, vocabulary and spelling underpin our aims, but we want the children to enjoy crafting and creating interesting and memorable pieces.
Reading - Every day in school is a reading day. Guided reading sessions will begin by using extracts from several classic children texts, before exploring informative and persuasive non-fiction texts and thought-provoking poetry. The children will be reading independently, within whole-class guided sessions, during Reciprocal Reading topic lessons and join in as we read our class texts.
Please encourage your child to read as often as possible outside of school. If you need any recommendations, please ask. is a wonderful website for recommendations but we have a vast selection in school. Ask Mr. Greaves if you're not sure what your child should be reading next. Remember, comprehension and an appreciation of what you have read is of equal importance to speed and fluency so we have attached some suggested questions to discuss with your child. Just because they can read alone, doesn’t always mean they should.
It is so important that each and every child has an enjoyment of reading. There is a book for everyone! Both Mr Greaves and Mr Lowe know that all of Year Six will be super readers by July.
Maths - Throughout the next half-term, we will be consolidating and extending knowledge of calculation, including long multiplication and long division, before beginning a more long-term study of fractions, decimals and percentage. Remember to keep learning the multiplication tables off by heart (and their linked division facts) as this will help in every area of the curriculum.
Science- The focus for the coming half-term will continue to be 'The Circulatory System', where we study the human heart, blood vessels, lungs and how blood moves around the body. There will then be more of an emphasis on the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise as well as considering what can cause harm to our bodies.
History - Our first history topic of the year will begin in Autumn 2 - World War II. We will study the reasons for this war beginning, who the leaders were and the effects it had on our local area.
Geography - We have now completed our first unit of work - The Americas. This was a study of both North and South America, looking at both human and physical aspects. Our next geography unit will be in spring, when we study mountains of the world.
Computing - Year 6 will use our Purple Mash programme to progress our skills and knowledge within the area of coding.
D&T - Our next D&T unit will begin in Autumn 2 - Great British Dishes!
Music - Weekly whole-class instrument sessions will continue.
R.E/Jigsaw (RSHE) - Celebrating and Understanding Differences
P.E. This is every Wednesday so don't forget to bring the correct kit, ready for this day. This is a white T-Shirt, black shorts and a pair of black pumps. It would be ideal if this kit was clearly labelled and kept securely in a labelled P.E. bag, so that any misplaced items can be returned quickly. Have a pair of track pants and something warmer available for outside.
- Return to school - Tuesday 29th October
- Children in Need non-uniform / Anti-Bullying Workshops - Friday 15th November
- Y6 Christmas Performance - Tuesday 10th December (details to follow soon)
- Christmas Jumper and Dinner Day - Wednesday 11th December
- Break up for Christmas - Wednesday 18th December
Reading will be the children's main activity that is expected outside of the classroom. If the right book is found, this should not seem like hard work! Weekly spellings will be provided and Purple Mash may host extra weekly activities which will be marked and discussed online with the children. Of course, any additional research or work is richly encouraged and will only benefit your child's progress throughout the year. Suggestions are attached, but really, any rehearsal of skills outside of school is beneficial: times tables games/apps, grammar monster, research about our topics/science.
Please remember that if your child brings their mobile phone to school, they must not use it on the playground while waiting to line up and it should be handed to their teacher as soon as they enter school. School will not be liable for loss of personal items. Thank you.
If you have any questions or queries, please arrange a phone appointment via the school office. We are available from 8:15 every day and after school each night (apart from Wednesdays).
Thank you so much for your anticipated support. We look forward to working with you and your children this year,
Mr. Greaves, Mr Lowe and the Year 6 Team