Curriculum Statement;

The curriculum is all the planned activities which we organise in order to promote learning and personal growth and development. It includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also takes account of the agreed views of the stakeholders on the learning opportunities that they want our children to experience. It develops the independence and responsibility of all of our pupils. We ensure that all children have a broad, balanced and relevant education which provides continuity and progression and takes individual differences into account. The curriculum will develop in order to take account of an ever-changing world. We aim to teach our pupils how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others while developing knowledge and skills, so that they achieve their full potential.

We recognise that character education is an essential part of the provision we make at Wharton. We work closely with 'Life Skills' to deliver opportunities for the children to develop life skills such as resilience, team work, leadership, confidence, self belief and communication. 

Parents can find out more about the school curriculum by contacting their child's class teacher and members of the public can contact the school office for more information.

The school's curriculum aims are:

  • To have high expectations of the children in all aspects of their learning and behaviour
  • To ensure that each child reaches their full potential in all areas of the curriculum with particular emphasis in key skills, to equip them to both live and work in the rapidly changing world.
  • To prepare the child, by example and instruction, for his/her future role as a contributing and valued member of society.
  • To develop the child's confidence and development through tasks appropriate to his/her ability.
  • To meet the emotional needs of the children and provide care and guidance as appropriate.

As staff we constantly review the curriculum provision to ensure we are meeting the needs of all of our learners, and to check that the teaching and learning opportunities are of a high quality and enjoyed by our children.

In Nursery and Reception we follow the Early Years Curriculum, developed around topics, which is divided into areas of learning. 

In Nursery the focus is on the Prime Areas of:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development

And in Reception the specific areas of learning:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

The Early Years provision is underpinned by Characteristics of Effective Learning

  • Playing and exploring
  • Active learning
  • Creating and thinking critically
  • Expressive arts and design

We employ a Speech and Language Therapist in school one day a week to assess and develop not only speech, but understanding and organisation of language in our very young children.

The Curriculum at KS1 & 2

The pupils are taught the subjects of the New National Curriculum which has been the legal requirement for all primary schools since September 2014. This includes English, Mathematics, Science, Computing, Religious Education, History, Geography, Physical Education, Design & Technology, Music and Art in KS2, a modern foreign language (Spanish).


English is delivered each day and these lessons place emphasis on learning and applying skills in reading and writing. There is a greater emphasis on spelling and the correct use of grammar and punctuation. Spoken English is also a feature of the curriculum expectations in English. Opportunities for the application of English skills are also planned across other curriculum areas.


In a similar way Maths aims to give the children a clear understanding of number with an emphasis on mental strategies, reasoning and problem solving whilst applying maths knowledge and skills in real life, everyday contexts.


Science teaching develops the children’s understanding of the physical and natural world around them, encouraging them to make hypotheses, test their ideas and reach conclusions. There is a focus on practical and problem solving skills covering aspects of biology, chemistry and physics.


Each year group has a set of Chrome Books to use for computing sessions. Pupils use computers to research and present aspects of their learning across the curriculum. The new computing curriculum enables the children to learn, develop and apply coding skills throughout school. E-safety is an essential element of our curriculum, ensuring our children stay safe in an increasingly digitised society. We also run e safety workshops for parents to enable them to keep pace with potential risks in internet use.

Each classroom has an interactive whiteboard.


History and Geography are taught alternatively over a term or half term. The skills and knowledge are explicitly and progressively taught. We have designed a curriculum that builds upon prior understanding and develops confidence in these important areas. Often, the knowledge collected will be used within writing and other areas of the curriculum to embed. 

The choice of topics fulfills the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum and every effort is made to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes excellence and enjoyment.

Religious Education

The school follows the agreed Salford Local Authority syllabus for RE, which teaches the children about a range of religious beliefs and customs, with a focus on Christianity. A copy is available to parents on request.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from R.E. and should send a letter to the Head Teacher, Miss Fielding, with their request.

Physical Education

All the children must have the school PE kit for lessons. Parents are asked to provide black shorts, a white t-shirt and black pumps for these lessons.

Trainers are not suitable for indoor lessons as they are a hazard on the equipment, but they may be worn for outdoor activity. P.E. is part of the National Curriculum and unless there is a medical reason, supported by a note from parents and/or medical practitioner, all children will take part.

Pupils in Year 4 have swimming lessons at Walkden pool. As with other aspects of PE, a child will only be excused for medical reasons supported by a letter.

Children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Teachers continually assess children’s progress and identify those experiencing problems with their learning. It may be addressed by a short term intervention plan which enables the child to ‘catch up’ and ‘keep up’ and will be delivered as part of the daily classroom practice. Intervention plans are regularly reviewed to ensure they support the progress of the child. Some children have greater difficulties - this may be a specific learning problem, or a more general one. Upon identifying that a child has a difficulty, the teacher consults with the school’s Lead Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), Mrs Lane. The child may then be subject to the SEN Code of Practice and placed on the school’s register of special needs. Parents will be kept fully informed. An Education & Health Care Plan (EHCP) is written, designed to meet the individual learning needs of the child.

If, after a set time, there is no improvement, the child may be referred for more specialist assessment and intervention. At each stage the parents of these children are consulted about any actions taken. Regular review meetings are held in school to which Parents and Carers are invited.