Year Six's Week - 18.10.19

Published 18.10.19

Year 6 have had a wonderful first half term at school. I have been so proud of their efforts and commitment and it was lovely to share their achievements and progress with so many parents on Tuesday evening. Thank you to so many of you for your support. This week has been 'wellbeing' week in school and we have discussed lots of mature issues throughout guided reading, relating to positive mental health and self-image. The children were amazing throughout. To aid our wellbeing we completed the mile on Thursday and did some mindful colouring with calming music to end the day. Let's hope this leads to a very relaxed half-term break for all.

The children have some short revision tasks to try, which should be returned by Friday 1st November. Thank you to all of those who have supported the project tasks - the new ones will be given out after the holiday. One final thank you - to Ashton and Phoebe, for being superb role models as Head Boy and Head Girl. Let's see whose turn it is next...

Have a wonderful, restful break everyone. See you all back on Tuesday 29th:)

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