Year Six's Week 24.5.19

Published 24.5.19

Another half-term over! Just one more to go for Year Six at Wharton Primary. We have had a great last week. Starting with a Quidditch tournament, the whole of KS2 had a really fun, competitive day, where Louis' 'Gryffindor' house was the overall winner - but it was very close. We also got to wear non-uniform as a reward for finally getting 100% attendance for a whole week!! The first class to achieve it this year. Let's see if we can do it again before the end of the year.

We have then created some fantastic non-fiction reports on the desert animals that may have featured in 'Holes' (including some spotted lizards!) and also produced a beautiful display of our self-portraits, framed with images that represent us best. Finally, we started to reminisce over our time at Wharton, noting some memories, ready to start our end of year celebrations. Don't forget to start bringing those baby/younger self photos in Year Six! The children have all worked so hard over the past few weeks and really deserve a lovely week's rest. We will see you on Wednesday 5th, with all of your camping gear!! Enjoy :)

Don't forget for those of you who will be going to Lledr Hall in July, there is a meeting on Monday 10th June at 3pm in the Y6 classroom. 

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