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Nursery's Snow Day!
Published 26.1.24
For one of our science investigations, we explored Ice. The questions we looked at and enquired about were...
... What is ice made of?
We melted ice and discovered it turns into water. We then froze the water and it turned into ice. We concluded that ice is made from freezing cold water.
... What does it feel like?
The language that the children used the describe the ice was cold, wet, slippy, freezing, soft, icy, smooth and sharp.
... How can we melt it?
We explored a range of ideas and materials.
G said, 'Put it on the radiator- it's hot there'.
L said, 'Put a hat and scarf on it to warm it up or you can use my blanket'.
H said, 'Get hot water from the kettle. Pour it on so it can melt'
We completed the ideas that the children came up with, we also put fairy liquid on some ice, but that didn't make it melt.
Then, we tried rubbing salt onto the ice, we could hear a cracking noise! It did help the ice begin to crack and break into smaller pieces.
We got some sponges and rubbed the ice but that didn't help!
The key words we explored were: ice, water, freezing, freeze, frozen, cold, melt.
What a fantastic investigation! We were very lucky that we the got to explore real ice and snow outside in our nursery garden!
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