News & Blog
Arts Week
Published 1.3.19
For Arts week we focused on the USA. We had so much fun all week and learnt lots of exciting things too.
We began by making the USA flag, we learnt that there are 13 stripes and 50 stars on the flag to represent the British colonies and States. We researched important landmarks in America including, The White House, Golden Gate Bridge, Mount Rushmore, The Statue of Liberty and the Grand Canyon.
After learning about the Everglades, we successfully made moving crocodiles in Design Technology. The children loved making their crocodiles SNAP!
We also learnt about a famous US pioneer called Rosa Parks who worked hard for equality of rights. We did drama in class by acting out the bus scene where Rosa Parks refused to sit at the back of the bus. We have classes full of budding young actors in year 1!
Our focus artist was Georgia O’Keeffe who was famous for painting enlarged flowers and New York skylines. The children were very inspired and created some wonderful artwork that is on display in classrooms.
All in all we had an enjoyable, creative week.
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